

Email connections

The concept of aconnection objectforemailwas introduced in RapidMiner Studio 9.4.

Adeploymenton RapidMiner AI Hub gives you the option of sending emailalerts. To send an email alert, you first need to create an Email connection. Right-click on theConnection Folder Icon连接subfolder in a relevant repository, and selectCreate Connection IconCreate Connection.

TheCreate connectiondialog opens:

  1. As theConnection Type, select "Email (send)"

  2. Choose the appropriateRepository. If the purpose of this email connection is to sendalertsin connection with a deployment, make sure theRepositoryis the same one that contains yourdeployment location.

  3. Choose aConnection Name, and clickCreate.

SMTP details

TheEdit connectiondialog opens, and you can configure your connection. Here you need to enter the details connected with sending email via your email service provider.

For example, if you have a Gmail account, you can follow the advice in the link below.

Gmail offers SSL and TLS security, and in the example that follows, we'll assume we're using TLS. Note thatStartTLS, also known asOpportunistic TLS, provides a way of upgrading a plain text connection to an encrypted (TLS or SSL) connection. Hence, we enter the following details:

  • Sender-%{smtp.user}
  • SMTP
  • SMTP port-587(because we're using TLS security)
  • User name-
  • Password-
  • Security-StartTLS
  • Authentication-Auto

You can find the details for any other webmail provider online; in case of doubt, ask your system administrator.

Test the connection

To test the connection, pressTest connectionin theEdit connectiondialog, or (to actually receive an email) build a simple process using theSend Mailoperator.

In our example with Gmail, authentication fails because RapidMiner is a "non-Google app", but it can be resolved by one of the following actions: