

Docker deployment

Thelegacy RapidMiner Server documentationis still available, but to deploy RapidMiner AI Hub, we recommend using Docker. To learn about Docker deployment, continue reading.

RapidMiner AI Hub has adopted a deployment architecture consisting of several components, to ensure scalability and flexibility. Although manual installation and configuration of these components is possible, it may prove challenging and time-consuming, especially in a distributed environment.

To avoid this task, we have packaged thecomponentsas a set ofdocker images. These images can be used to deploy the platform using the Docker-compose or Kubernetes orchestration technologies, either on-prem, or in your preferred (public or private) cloud infrastructure.

Thequickest and easiest wayto deploy RapidMiner AI Hub is via ourcloud images, which are available on AWS and Microsoft Azure. We recommend this deployment method mainly for development and testing purposes.

If you would like to deploywith a specific use-case in mind, and the cloud images are not suitable for your needs, here is the reading order we recommend.

  1. First, take the time to familiarize yourself with ahigh level overview of the platform deployment architecture. Here you'll learn the components used in the platform and their role. Please also read oursecurity overview page.
  2. Then, check out ourdocker-compose templatesorkubernetes templates, depending on your use-case. This allows you to select a template which is closest to your needs. Our templates are designed to work out of the box.
  3. If you need to fine-tune parts of the deployment, visit ourdocker image referencefor detailed configuration possibilities.
  4. 学会操作哟ur deployment by reading ourtechnology overview.